Clinical Supervision | Kathleen Joseph, LMHC

Clinical Supervision

You did it!

You completed your graduate counseling training.

Finally, you are on the other side of many hours of training on clinical theory and discussions about client care and professional ethics. You made it through your thesis submission process and presented your body of work to your advisors. You presented your seminal work on your theoretical orientation, proving that you can provide ethical psychotherapy to clients in need.

And you successfully graduated with a master’s or doctoral degree in Licensed Mental Health or Marriage and Family Therapy. It is time to take your skills and training to the people you wish to serve.

Now, you’re ready to take the next step to licensure.

Selecting the right supervisor means considering what you need as a new counselor and finding a professional to meet you there.

You will need ongoing support as you see your first clients in the “real world.”

You will need guidance as you continue to structure your theory and further identify the clients you wish to serve.

You will need help understanding the licensure exam and tools to give you the best chance at passing on the first attempt.

But you recall how you felt unmet as a Person of Color in your training experience.

You recall often having to be the educator of your experience and the Black experience of ALL Black people.

You recall how you had to labor just to be understood.

So, the idea of becoming a supervisee to ANY qualified supervisor? That is a NO.

You are aware of the reality: “I might get stuck with a supervisor who does not appreciate the Black experience. FOR. TWO. YEARS.”

You shudder as you think about it.

Let me help…

I am certified to provide clinical supervision to pre-licensed mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists in Florida.

I have training and experience working with individuals, groups, and couples in private practice and different organizational settings. I have extensive professional experience working with individuals in crisis, including clients who are actively suicidal.

I currently focus on serving Women of Color. Still, I have extensive experience working with other populations, including college-aged students (especially student athletes), professionals experiencing work-related burnout, and victims of crime.

Here’s what we’ll do…

I have a developmental approach, which means I meet you where you are and move you from a novice clinician to one more skilled and specialized in your work.

Your needs will change throughout our work together, so I’ll collaborate with you to ensure that your needs are met, you feel supported, and you and your clients remain well!

Identifying your needs as an intern…

Your needs at this point in your development will change and grow as you do. As a result, a supervisor willing to support your changes and development is crucial.

We start by getting a clear sense of your needs as a registered intern. I start by first understanding your needs.

We will conduct a needs assessment at the beginning of our relationship. We will continue this process throughout the supervisory relationship, and I will make sure to titrate my support to you according to your present needs. This way, you feel understood and like your needs as an intern are centered.

Building on your training and strengths….

You come into the world of counseling with many skills you’ve gained in training and unique talents. Supervision is a time to build on your training and further refine your abilities to serve your clients better.

In our meetings, we will also process the places where you struggle in your work with clients. Here I normalize your struggles as part of your growth and development as a counselor. I lean in to understand the nature of your struggles and help you see how to navigate your concerns in the best way. I provide support to you in the form of feedback and resources designed to encourage further growth.

Developing your skills and confidence…

We start by identifying your strengths as a therapist. Perhaps you are gifted at helping new mothers navigate their work identity with their new identity as moms. We will spend time discussing and uplifting your talents.

Forging your professional identity, orientation, and style…

We also look at where you wish to grow and develop. Because you are still forging your identity as a therapist, we explore the spaces where you want to grow. I challenge you to explore new opportunities of interest through collaborative discussion throughout our process.

Providing you with a supportive environment…

I believe that supporting you starts by providing a container that will serve as the backdrop of our work together. As a result, all our sessions will take place in a private location – via Telemental Health or my private office in Gainesville, FL.

To ensure that you are supported throughout our relationship as supervisor and supervisee, meetings will be scheduled weekly but not more than every two weeks. This helps us to stay in compliance with State of Florida guidelines for supervisors providing supervision and ensures that you receive adequate support throughout your supervision.

Overseeing and reviewing practitioners’ work procedures.

Counseling, motivating, and disciplining practitioners, and referring advanced issues to upper management.

Teaching you what you need to know…

In addition to learning what you need to know to be a great therapist, you also want to ensure that you are prepared to take your licensure exam. As a supervisee, you will receive resources that aid you in preparing you for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE) or the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB). We will spend time reviewing the requirements of each exam.

Holding you accountable for your learning…

Ensuring your work is in line with ethical and legal expectations of care is an ongoing part of the internship process. I oversee your clinical work via routine review of clinical notes and monitoring of your service delivery via audio and/or video recording. This gives me a chance to see the wonderful work that you are doing with your clients. This also is where much of your learning and growing as a clinician will occur as I provide feedback to you on your clinical, ethical, and legal responsibilities as a clinician.

My responsibility is to ensure that you comply with licensure and registration requirements throughout your time as a supervisee.

Don’t settle for a “good enough” supervisor!

Get a supervisor that you won’t have to train for two years.

If you’ve completed your graduate degree and are ready to start supervision with a qualified Supervisor that will uplift your identity as a Person of Color, please reach out today: (352) 642-6755.

I look forward to working with you.

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