Narrative Therapy | Kathleen Joseph, LMHC

Narrative Therapy

I see you as the expert in your life.

You are the person who has traveled every single mile that you have ever ventured.

You are the conqueror of 100% of the battles you have faced.

You know about everything you’ve been through.

When we start working together, I see your expert status on YOU as a strength, and I want to help you embrace it!

That’s how you empower yourself to solve your problems!

You’ll start by sharing your story:

What’s happening in your world?

What led you to start therapy?

What are you looking for?

As you share, I will guide you to break the story into smaller parts. This is called “deconstruction,” and it’s an important part of Narrative Therapy.

By breaking it down, you are taking the first steps toward your commitment to change.

When you’ve been living with a problem for a long time…

It’s easy to gloss over aspects of the story. But when that happens, you’re less able to solve your problems since you’re not noticing all possibilities.

I guide you through the deconstruction process so you can clarify the problem.

At last, you will feel like you can get your hands around the issue; it will finally be approachable!

“So… I’m NOT the problem?”

As our work together continues, you will become better able to see yourself more clearly, and that means appreciating the role you play in what happens in your life.

You’ll learn that while you (and perhaps the people in your world) play a role and share responsibility for what happens…

The PROBLEM is the problem.

Seeing the problem as the problem is called “externalization.” It helps us experience fewer feelings of shame about our role in the bad things that happen in our lives. That’s because when we practice externalizing, we are giving ourselves some distance from the problem, enabling us to focus on changing unwanted behaviors.

Over time, you will be able to experience the challenges that come up in life without shaming yourself that they happened.

As you more clearly identify the problems that occur and see them as the problem, you will become better able to focus on changing the behaviors that sabotage you from achieving your goals.

You might surprise yourself!

As soon as you start creating the changes you’ve wanted to see in your life, you’ll notice how even more new possibilities present themselves.

Soon, you’ll get comfortable with the idea that you don’t have to continue something just because “that’s how it’s always been.”

All those behaviors that have created negative cycles in your life… you’ll get better and better at seeing them for what they are, without judgment, and making different decisions for an even better life.

Let me help you walk into your expert role.

When you embrace your identity as expert, you can create meaningful changes in your relationships and pursue the experiences that make you feel most connected to who you really are.

Please reach out to me if you’re ready to start your journey toward meaningful change.

Let’s talk more about your needs during your free phone consultation: (352) 642-6755.

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